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Reagans Ugly Hagiography A Distortion Of History

Reagan's Ugly Hagiography: A Distortion of History

An Analysis of the Whitewashed Depiction of Ronald Reagan


The portrayal of Ronald Reagan as a mythical hero in popular media and right-wing revisionist history is a gross distortion of reality. This hagiography, often seen on the History Channel late at night, sanitizes Reagan's flawed presidency and ignores the damage his policies inflicted on American society.

The Myth of the Great Communicator

Reagan's reputation as a master communicator is based on his ability to deliver speeches that appealed to the emotions of his audience. However, his words often lacked substance and were devoid of concrete policy proposals.

  • For example, Reagan's famous "Morning in America" speech in 1984 painted a rosy picture of economic prosperity, despite the fact that poverty and inequality were on the rise.

Neoliberal Economics and the Wealth Gap

Reagan's economic policies, based on the principles of neoliberalism, exacerbated inequality and led to a widening wealth gap.

  • The Tax Reform Act of 1981 disproportionately benefited the wealthy, while cuts to social programs hurt the poor and middle class.
  • Deregulation of industries, such as the financial sector, led to recklessness and the subsequent financial crisis of 2008.

War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration

Reagan's war on drugs had a devastating impact on minority communities, leading to mass incarceration and the erosion of civil liberties.

  • The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 increased mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses, disproportionately affecting Black and Latino communities.
  • Civil forfeiture laws allowed law enforcement to seize property from individuals suspected of drug-related crimes, even if they were never convicted.

Foreign Policy Blunders

Reagan's foreign policy was marked by reckless adventurism and support for authoritarian regimes.

  • The invasion of Grenada in 1983 was a failed military operation that resulted in the deaths of 19 American soldiers and dozens of civilians.
  • Reagan's support for the Contras, a US-backed rebel group fighting against the socialist government of Nicaragua, led to the Iran-Contra affair, a political scandal that tarnished his legacy.


The hagiographic portrayal of Ronald Reagan is a dangerous distortion of history that ignores the negative consequences of his policies. To understand the true legacy of his presidency, it is essential to examine the empirical evidence and the lived experiences of those who were impacted by his actions.

Further Reading
